Sunday, October 03, 2010

Seemingly A Proposal

The wine was delicious. The duck was succulent. The music was glorious. And of course, he was perfect.
These were all the thoughts that swam through Catherine's head as she sat enjoying her elegant dinner with her lovely boyfriend, Daniel. They had met six months before at a yoga class. She had been so lucky. Cute and spiritual. 

For all the love she felt for him, it was certain in her heart that he felt the same for her. They gazed into each other's eyes as the piano cascaded through Bach. This was a night to remember. Though she was overjoyed to be on such a luxurious date, she couldn't help but wonder if a hidden plan lay behind it. A very pleasant plan. A very permanent plan. Surely it would be tonight.
Daniel cleared his throat. "Catherine," he said in that gentle voice of his.
“Yes, Daniel?" she chirped back.  He placed his napkin next to his plate, and went down on one knee next to her. Though Catherine looked calm, her insides were spinning out of control as this moment she had waited for since childhood unfolded.
"My dear,” he said. “I have an excess of iron filings in my left knee cap. And as you know, that mad Dr. Svizago has magnetized the earth's core." 

All the anticipation in Catherine's heart gushed out like air from a balloon. She sadly opened her mouth to say, "So your knee is just attracted to the earth's surface like that sometimes?" 


Catherine sighed. She thought he might say that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember when that happened to me...